Pitocin without An Epidural Induction for Labour - A Complete Guide
Pitocin without An Epidural Induction for Labour - A Complete Guide
As your delivery term approaches, you probably wonder what is the best way to go through the process of childbirth. With that in mind, many women opt for epidurals because they hope their labour will be less painful. However, some future mums decide to give birth with Pitocin without an epidural.
The truth is there is no rule on whether your labour will be easier with or without an epidural. Every woman is different, so each pregnancy is unique by itself. Some women have textbook labour in which everything goes as expected. In contrast, there are women who plan their birthing from the very beginning, and nothing goes as planned.
In short, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing an epidural or not. It is your pregnancy and your own authentic experience. You have to live it in order to see how it will turn out. It goes without saying that you can plan your labour, but do not rely on the plan completely.
Here, we will talk about going into labour with induction sans an epidural. You can see what you can expect so you can be more prepared when the time comes.
Induction without Epidural - What You Should Know?
The decision to go for an epidural or not is entirely yours, so it is up to you to choose whether you will want it during labour. But, before you decide, it is important to consider all of your options. Many women have the tendency to change their minds right before labour begins, so expect to have a lot of mixed feelings about your birthing options.
Induction without an epidural is something that many women choose as their birth plan. Nonetheless, it is quite a common occurrence for future mums to change their minds on the fly and opt for an epidural after all. This is not a rare case, so if you are one of them - don’t worry, you are not alone!
It is essential to understand that induction may not be your choice, but pain management definitely is. In other words, you do not get to pick how to get induced, but you get to choose how to handle labour pain. Since it is a well-known fact that the process of giving birth comes with a lot of pain, many women are not sure what to do when it comes to epidurals.
Whether you want to go through labour faster or less painful is always a dilemma. But, because every labour is different, we cannot say that induction without an epidural will go faster or that an epidural will make your birthing easier. The way you will go through labour is one-of-a-kind, and no one can predict it.
What is Labour Induction?
Regardless of whether you opt for an epidural or not, you cannot influence the induction process. The way your induction will be conducted depends on several reasons over which you do not have control over. While you can choose an epidural, you cannot choose your induction method.
The induction process is determined solely by your doctor. Your healthcare provider is the only person who can tell whether you need induction and in what way it needs to be conducted. Generally, induction takes place out of safety reasons for the baby. When the doctor determines that the baby needs to come out sooner, you cannot avoid induction.
Usually, women who have IVF pregnancy or are over 40 years old go through the process of induction. However, they can choose whether they want an epidural or not. Induction without an epidural is always possible because it is up to the woman to decide.
Pitocin Induction
While you get to choose whether you want an epidural or not, you cannot choose the type of induction. Your doctor will tell you what kind is safest for you and for the baby. Nonetheless, even with the induction process, you are still eligible for a vaginal birth if the conditions allow it.
Among the types of induction, the most common is through Pitocin. This is actually a term for oxytocin, which is given through a drip and starts contractions. Once the Pitocin starts reacting, your contractions will start, meaning your labour will enter the primary stages. This is the time when you will decide whether you want to give birth with Pitocin without an epidural or not. Many women opt for an epidural to avoid the pain, while others want to feel everything during this miraculous moment.
Another thing that women wonder about is Pitocin and VBAC. Namely, many want to know whether vaginal birth is possible after C-section. Women who have previously given birth through caesarean section always question whether induction with Pitocin will allow them to have natural labour.
Pitocin and VBAC are compatible as long as your doctor assesses that your body will allow it. If you are safe to go through natural birth, your previous pregnancy with a C-section will not cause any issues. Moreover, even in this case, you can go for birthing with Pitocin without an epidural. As we previously mentioned, every pregnancy is different, so you cannot always plan ahead for what will happen. Even your doctor cannot determine your labour beforehand.
So, you can plan your labour, but you need to be open to changes. That is, your plan is not foolproof, so you should be prepared to accept the circumstances given at the moment of your birthing process. In addition, you should acknowledge that these things happen, and that you cannot control them. Therefore, you should refrain from panicking if your doctor declares new methods for your labour.
Understanding Pitocin Risks and Benefits
The induction process can be scary for many women because they do not know what to expect. That is why it is wise to inform yourself before you are given a dose of Pitocin during labour. Understanding Pitocin's risks and benefits will help you calm yourself during labour and acknowledge what happens during induction.
Every method used during childbirth carries its own benefits as well as risks. So, it is no different with Pitocin as well. Still, when you get to the facts of the effects of this type of induction, you will know what to expect.
What Are The Benefits of Pitocin Induction?
When your doctor determines that you need Pitocin induction, you should know that you unlock some benefits that will make your labour easier:
- Avoid a C-section: According to studies, women who go through Pitocin induction have lower chances of having a C-section while giving birth. Since we are talking about a major procedure, many women want to avoid surgery.
- Avoid labour complications: Another benefit of Pitocin induction is that you get the chance to avoid common complications that happen during labour, such as high blood pressure, infection, or preeclampsia.
- Avoid rapture of your amniotic sac: With a Pitocin induction, you can avoid rupturing your amniotic sac that is not followed by labour.
What Are The Risks of Pitocin Induction?
Like every procedure, the process of induction carries some risks as well. Even if you choose to go with Pitocin without an epidural, you are still subjected to some risks.
- Overstimulation of the uterus: Overstimulation occurs when your contractions start being very long, strong and frequent.
- Fetal distress: Pitocin induction can cause stress to your baby, which may later lead to the necessity of a C-section.
- Allergic reactions: Although not common, allergic reactions can occur after Pitocin induction. Usually, allergic reactions to Pitocin are shown through swelling of the face, throat, mouth, and tongue.
- Pain and discomfort: In some cases, Pitocin induction can make the contractions more painful than the natural ones. This can cause additional distress to a woman in labour.
Rest assured that your doctor is aware of the risks, and they proceed after assessing what is safe for your condition. You should trust your healthcare provider and avoid panicking about possible outcomes.
Going into labour with Pitocin without an epidural is quite a normal occurrence. You can decide to withstand the pain of giving birth without any medicine because it is your choice. Your labour will be unique, and you cannot compare it with anyone else’s. Whatever you decide, stick to it because it is your body.
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