Ramzi Theory Gender Prediction
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Gender Prediction today!
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How It Works?

1 - Upload your ultrasound

2 - Our specialists will analyze it using the ramzy theory gender determination method with nearly 100% accuracy.

Our facilities are dedicated to detect and report gender markers in your ultrasound images.

3 - Will it be boy or girl? The answer in your inbox within 24 hours.

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Want to know your baby's gender today?

Boy or Girl Baby Gender Prediction

Baby Gender Prediction Services

We are a team of professional ultrasound techs providing highly-accurate Ramzi theory gender predictions for excited moms and dads around the world. Submit your ultrasound photo and receive your results by email.

Early Ultrasound Gender Prediction

According to Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, “Between 6-9 weeks gestation, 97.2% of male fetuses have a placenta location on the right side of the uterus whereas, 97.5% of female fetuses have a placenta location to the left of the uterus.” 

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Bonding with Your Newborn Baby

Start Bonding With Your Baby Faster

According to WebMD, “Making a connection with your unborn child can strengthen the bond you share, make you feel closer, and enrich you and your baby’s lives.” Submit your baby’s ultrasound scan. Our Ramzi theory and nub prediction prices start at only $19.99.

Results will be emailed to you in less than 24hrs.

Baby Gender Prediction: Ramzi Theory explained by Ultrasound Technicians

This article covers Dr. Ramzi’s ultrasonography Research to explain how to use this method when you are approximately 6-8 week’s pregnant and go to your first ultrasound. If you are further along in your pregnancy (closer to 12-14 weeks), try using the Nub Theory and/or Skull Theory for early gender prediction.

“Ramzi’s method uses the placenta/chorionic villi location as a marker for fetal gender detection at 6 weeks gestation, and it was found to be highly reliable. The Ramzi method correctly predicts the fetus’ gender in 97.2% of the males and 97.5% of the females early in the first trimester.” obgyn.net

Dr. Saam Ramzi Ismail conducted an extensive and controlled study of over 5,000 pregnant women. He discovered that using the direction or orientation of the chorionic villi (future placenta) is an accurate marker in determining the sex of a baby. Scientifically, it relates to a natural polarization in which male embryos have a proven pattern of being magnetized toward the right side of the uterus, and females are drawn toward the left side.
Chorionic villus form before 9 weeks’ gestation. It turns into the placenta which provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes waste products from the baby’s blood. The Mayo Clinic describes the chorionic villi as “wispy projections of placental tissue that share the baby’s genetic makeup.”

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Nub Theory, Explained

Nub theory revolves around something called the genital tubercle, which forms early in pregnancy on the lower abdomen of your baby. Eventually this tubercle, or “nub,” turns into a penis in male babies and a clitoris in female babies.

The idea behind nub theory is that if you can get a really good look at this nub, you can figure out which way it will go in the coming weeks.

Specifically, prospective parents are instructed to look at what the internet calls “the angle of the dangle.” (Yes, we just said that.)

In nub theory, the angle of the nub in relation to the spinal cord tells you everything you need to know about whether your baby’s nub will soon develop into a penis or clitoris.

Let Customers Speak For Us...

I'm sure you'd like to know that your prediction was correct! Thank you for showing me the Ramzi theory and all the different features on my ultrasounds. 100% Recommend!

Brianna T.

Confirmed boy! Just got our NIPT results and it's a boy! I can't believe I got to know at 6 weeks and its been confirmed at just 10 weeks! Thank yuo for making this wait so short for me. I'm ready to start shopping for my little prince!

Katia Z.

It's a girl! Thank you thank you for keeping me excited through the weeks of waiting. I loved seeing what you marked on my ultrasounds. Seeing her little bladder and spine and umbilical cord was so special. Thank you!

Paula B.

I have seen lots of predictions and none compare to this service. It's so apparent that this is a professional service. Thank you for answering all my questions and you were correct! Finally getting my little princess!

Danielle L.